Chin-Chih Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Counseling and Special Education

Chin-Chih Chen, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. in educational psychology, University of Minnesota
  • M.A. in special education, National Taiwan Normal University
  • B.A. in special education, National Taipei Teachers College

Research interests

Understanding risk and protective factors related to school adjustment of children and adolescents, developmental/ecological precursors and consequences, evidence-based intervention programs addressing students’ academic, social and behavioral needs

Recent publications/projects

  • Chen, C-C., Culhane, D. P., & Steve, M., Park, Y-M., & Venable, J. The heterogeneity of truancy among urban middle school students: A latent class growth analysis.Journal of Child and Family Studies.
  • Chen, C-C., Hamm, J. V., Farmer, T. W., Lambert, K., & Mehtaji, M. (2015). Exceptionality and peer victimization involvement in late childhood: Subtypes, stability, and social marginalization.Remedial and Special Education, 36(5), 312-324.
  • Chen, C-C., Symons, F. J. & Reynolds, J. A. (2011). Prospective analyses of childhood factors and antisocial behavior for students with high-incidence disabilities.Behavioral Disorders, 37(1), 5-18.
  • Chen, C-C., McComas, J. J., Hartman, E., & Symons, F. J. (2011). A prospective sequential analysis of the relation between physical aggression and peer rejection acts in a high-risk preschool sample.Early Education and Development, 22,574-592.


Dr. Chin-Chih Chen received her Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Educational Psychology/Special Education Program from the University of Minnesota. Her overarching research goal is to conduct scientifically rigorous research that prevents maladaptive development and promotes educational success of at-risk children over the life course. Her research interests focus on understanding risk and protective factors related to school adjustment of children and adolescents, developmental/ecological precursors and consequences, and evidence-based intervention programs addressing students’ academic and social/behavioral needs.

Curriculum Vitae

(804) 827-1239
